Friday, November 15, 2002

To counteract the lack of activity here on this webpage our family life has been bustling with action. Since our last entry we have taken a trip to South Dakota, purchased a new house, moved into said house and are now in the process of unpacking the plethora of objects into our new surroundings.

Benjamin and Heather are both growing by leaps and bounds. Pictures and video will be made available to those who care to see them via our new DSL net connection, which once again has given me the ability to set up web servers, zope servers and a host of other networking goodness.

The new home and the new DSL have also allowed me to enter the wonderful world of wireless networking not just in the house but as part of a community networking system. The Portland Personal Telco Project is the one I am hooking into locally as well as using SeattleWireless , and NoCat as jumping off points for learning all the new voodoo not just for the tech aspects but for community building aspects. Once again an opportunity has arisen to make open communication between people possible. Lets hope it gets wide spread use before the corporations and the govs find ways to regulate down to sterility.

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