Thursday, January 11, 2001

Once More Into The Breech

Whats made out of paper and can conquere the world? An old war game chit. Back from teh days of yesteryear the Wargame Fever is back on me. Since finding Cyberboard [1], a program that allows people to play these old crusties on a PC, I have been getting the hankering to take over the world, drop into a bug hunt, flip some cards and roll the dice once more.If you are a dormant wargamer I would suggest heading over to The PBem Emporium for a quick refresher. If your interested I am working on compiling the best of the web, ftp and other sites onto one cd. So far its packed with rules, boards, game playing aids and other utilities like Cyberboard.

[1]The CyberBoard board gaming system makes playing board games by mail and electronic mail a more enjoyable experience. The system allows you to easily graphically design the various parts of a board game on your computer. The players can make their moves and exchange recorded versions of the moves with their opponents. The opponent can then play back the moves. Although many types of games may be created using CyberBoard, games that use counters or chits such as war games work particularly well.

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