"DRM - what is it good for absolutley nothing...say it again"
In the last few days I have read all manner of pro and con DRM issues spurred on, in large part, by the utterances of one Steve Jobs. Jobs has built a little empire on selling devices that tie into a DRM locked content delivery system and has now said that he would be willing to tear down his DRM Curtain if the content management companies would let him.
Andy Armstrong put so well "He’s an opportunistic hypocrite. DRM allowed Apple to create the iPod monopoly. Just a few months ago he was vocally pro-DRM. So what? The fact that he’s one of the most prominent rats leaving the sinking DRM ship doesn’t disguise the fact that it’s sinking."
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the companies Jobs is looking to for the green light on being a good boy are still spending millions to develop and deploy DRM content. They are also very much working the legal system to make it a crime to not purchase their content at the price they set.
On the other side of this are the truly brave and forward looking efforts have been moving along to make DRM Free content available as well as to break the DRM with 2$ sharpies a day after the DRM Curtain companies unveil their million dollar schemes.
To paraphrase the Gipper ...If you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the artists and the consumers of their content.. Come here, to this gate. Mr. Job, open this gate. Mr. Jobs, tear down this DRM. Eleswise, your just anotha victim..see.