Friday, July 29, 2005

Ben at 3

Originally uploaded by TomHiggins.
July 27th, Ben hit the big 3. Gifts and cake ruled the night. Ben read us this book cover to cover, well he made up his own story based on the pictures. At the age of 3 he tells more cohesive tales than Rove and Bush Inc.

Rage Burger 7/28/2005

Originally uploaded by TomHiggins.
Probably the last rageburger before Isaac is born. Rage On.

The Patio For Not Much Longer

Tom's Patio
Originally uploaded by Scuttle.
A few months back Scuttle crafted us a screened in patio/deck dealio which made our house much more than it ever was. Sadly we are saying goodbye to it and the whole house. From SE to NoPo, where of course a new screened patio will be commishioned. Next one I will build the cat5 drops into the works.


Originally uploaded by Trevor Blake.
Trevor snaps the Portland idea of a parking garage. One day soon, when I have shed some mass, a zoobombing I shall go. Until then its NoPo bombing for me.

Macker and Tom

Macker and Tom
Originally uploaded by hangry.
The biggest things in podcasting? By girth ...yea, that would be us. So how is it my wife is 9 months pregnant yet I look like Im about to deliver? Something has got to be done.

MirrorMirror Tom

MirrorMirror Tom
Originally uploaded by TomHiggins.
Looking up into the mirrored roof of the VanDaminator.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Teepee Comes To The Picnic

Teepee Comes To The Picnic
Originally uploaded by TomHiggins.
Take one city park close to the house, a couple of sandiwiches, some seltzer...add a laptop, an open access point and skype ... your everyday picnic is turned into a Global Picnic.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Liberation Fronting

Originally uploaded by TomHiggins.
We stick our swords into strange beasts in our lives. Some fight for freedom from, some fight for freedom to, some just like to run around like swashbuckling doers of dare. We all need a cool drink though,

Swing on

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

What Podcasts Do I Archive?

I listen to a bunch of podcasts. Some I like, some I fast forawrd thru quickly, some I cant wait for every week, some I am responsible for. Mostly though any podcast I have grabbed since Jan 2005 is archived over two local machines[1]. I am not doing the depth of archiving that Jason Scott is doing with his collection, this is more my slice of faves.

So what podcasts am I listening to and archiving. Here is the list. Am I missing any good ones? Any of these make your toes curl? Comment away.

[1] If you happen to be connected to my netowrk just head over to for the older stuff and for the last month or so of podcasts.

Baby Shower Booty

Originally uploaded by TomHiggins.
Dawn and I would like to thank Rebbeca, Kevin, Mack, Brenda, Heather, and all the others who made lasts nights all gender Baby Shower/BBQ a smashing success. Here I am with the weapon of choice of every dad. Operation Pewpy Sheild continues.

Solar Projectile On Earth

Originally uploaded by TomHiggins.
We seem to have had a small Solar event at last nights Baby Shower/BBQ. Kevin evidently has the power to summon the solar eruptions for his BBQFu. Tasty


Originally uploaded by TomHiggins.
Bush's new plan for sending vehicles with even less armor into the war on terrorism. The new PopCyKill 2000 will deliver brain freezes, icey tounges and tasty treats to the Iraqi theater of opertation.

Onward To Victory

The Bix Ben MindMeld

Originally uploaded by TomHiggins.
"Come to me my XMen...and you too Ben"

Padwan Ben

Originally uploaded by TomHiggins.
There is a Dark Side young padwan

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Her Hammer His Head

Originally uploaded by TomHiggins.
Found at a recent outing to the local Fred Myers...Scutter holds Her Hammer, a crafts tool for the woman in the family. His woman though will use it mostly to bash in his head for the gender slur. Beware of scutters bearing gifts

Friday, July 01, 2005

WSMF Blog 2003-2005

Between this and that , blooger and blosxom, things get said and posted and forgoten and refound. These things can be found here and also here.