Friday, February 28, 2003

The world has lost one of the few people who through my life made me feel better about being me. "There's only one person in the whole world like you." He made us smile in times of trouble, he made us realize it's OK to be who we are, no matter what that was. In a world of intractable fundamentalists, he planted the seeds of tolerance. "Children aren't responsible for wars. The least, and the best, we adults can do is to let our children know that we'll take good care of them, no matter what." Off on that one way ride to the Land of Make Believe, he will always be our nieghbor.

Friday, February 21, 2003

The Enlightened Leader BenWallyLemPooPoo welcomes you to the Nation State of WSMF. Come see how we run the perfect nation and even join in to run your own.

The People's Republic of WSMF awaits your visit.

Wednesday, January 29, 2003

Volume 2 Issue 1 of Countermoves is ready for mass consumption.

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Public Domain Doomed?

The Supreme Court gave an unpleasant 7-2 decison to lock in long term copyright controls All the works that should have fallen into the Public Domain are now locked out of the PD for a lifetime or two.

Most works made after the 1920's will never go out of copyright

Disney has been a major force in pushing this through. Its more important to them to keep control of the Rat than for our country to have a rich and vibrant public domain as envisoned by Jefferson et. al. A tip of the slave hat to Sonny Bono for his great works in shackling works.

So the companies keep thier works, the courts rule you can extend on demand, and the Public Domain is locked up.

  • The Case-
  • The Arguement-
  • The Decission-
  • The First Dissention-
  • The Second Dissention-

  • Friday, January 03, 2003

    With the RIIA forcing legislation to "tax" all netcasting it was only a matter of time before a new/old method took to the wires. PeerCasting works by having each listener of a channel become a relay so others can listen. The more folks that listen the more folks can listen, each giving what they can to realy. The client does all the realying and bandwidth limiting for you, the interface is easy to use, and offering up conent is a snap. I had a test server up, but truth be told Im just not up for netcasting at the moment. Head over to the WSMF Listening Room and grab a few audio goodies.